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Version: 3.0.0

Start-up and deployment

Midway provides a lightweight launcher for launching your app. We provide a variety of deployment models for applications. You can either deploy the application to any server (such as a server purchased by yourself) in the traditional way, or you can build the application as a Serverless application. Midway provides a cross-cloud deployment method.

Local development

Here are two ways to use the dev command for local development.

Quickly start a single service

In local development, Midway provides a dev command startup framework in package.json, such:

"scripts": {
"dev": "mwtsc --watch --run @midwayjs/mock/app.js",

This is the most streamlined command. It has the following features:

    1. Use the mwtsc tool to build the code. After success, read the built code through the app.js file in the @midwayjs/mock package to start the project
    1. Use the built-in API (initializeGlobalApplicationContext of @midwayjs/core) to create a service without going through bootstrap.js
    1. Single process operation

Run the following command on the command line to execute.

$ npm run dev

Specify the portal to start the service

Because the local dev command is usually different from the initialization parameters of the bootstrap.js startup file, some users are worried about the inconsistency between local development and online development, such as testing links.

In this case, you can directly pass an entry file to the dev command and use the entry file to start the service.

"scripts": {
"dev": "mwtsc --watch --run bootstrap.js",

Deploy to server

The difference between post-deployment and local development

After deployment, some places are different from local development.

1. Changes in the node environment

The biggest difference is that after the server is deployed, node will be used directly to start the project.

  • If you use mwtsc to develop the project, the difference is not big
  • If @midwayjs/cli is used, ts-node will not be used to start the project, which means that *.ts files will no longer be read

2. Changes in the loading directory

After the server is deployed, only the built dist directory is loaded, while the local development src directory is loaded.

appDirProject root directoryProject root directory
baseDirsrc directory under the root directory of the projectdist directory under the root directory of the project

3. Changes in the environment

In the server environment, NODE_ENV=production is generally used. Many libraries will provide better performance methods in this environment, such as enabling caching, error reporting, etc.

4. Log files

In the general server environment, logs are not printed to the logs directory of the project, but other directories that are not affected by project updates, such as home/admin/logs. This fixed directory also facilitates other tools to collect logs.

Deploy process

The entire deployment is divided into several parts. Since Midway is written TypeScript, it adds a build step to the traditional JavaScript code. The entire deployment process is as follows.

Since deployment is very relevant to the platform and environment, we will demonstrate it with Linux below, and other platforms can refer to it as appropriate.

Compile code and install dependencies

Since Midway project is TypeScript written, we compile it before deployment. In this example, we have written the build script in advance and run the npm run build command. If not, add the following build command to package.json.

"scripts": {
"build": "mwtsc --cleanOutDir",

Although it is not necessary, it is recommended that you perform the test and lint first.

Generally speaking, the deployment build environment and the local development environment are two sets. We recommend building your application in a clean environment.

The following code is a sample script that you can save as

## Server build (code downloaded)
$ npm install # installation and development period dependency
$ npm run build # build project
$ npm prune --production # remove development dependencies

## Local build (dev dependency has been installed)
$ npm run build
$ npm prune --production # remove development dependencies

General installation dependencies specify NODE_ENV = production or npm install-production only dependencies dependencies are installed when building formal packages. Because the modules in the devDependencies are too large and will not be used in the production environment, unknown problems may also be encountered after installation.

After the build is completed, the dist directory of the Midway build product appears.

➜  my_midway_app tree
├── src
├── dist # Midway build product directory
├── node_modules # Node.js dependency package directory.
├── test
├── bootstrap.js # Deployment Startup File
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json

Alias path problem in build

Aliases are a habit brought by front-end tools, rather than a standard capability of Node.js. Currently, there are two optional ways to use them:

Packing compression

After the construction is completed, you can simply package and compress it and upload it to the environment to be released.


Generally speaking, the files or directories that must be included in the server operation are package.json, bootstrap.js, dist, node_modules.

Upload and decompress

There are many ways to upload to the server, such as the common ssh/FTP/git etc. You can also use online services such as OSS for transfer.

Start the project

The project built by Midway is single-process. Whether it adopts fork mode or cluster mode, single-process code is always easily compatible with different systems, so it is very easy to be loaded by existing tools such as pm2/forever in the community,

Here we use pm2 to demonstrate how to deploy.

Projects generally need an entry file, for example, we create a bootstrap.js in the root directory as our deployment file.

➜  my_midway_app tree
├── src
├── dist # Midway build product directory
├── test
├── bootstrap.js # Deployment Startup File
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json

Midway provides a simple way to meet the startup method of different scenarios. All we need to do is install the @midwayjs/bootstrap module provided by us (by default, it comes with it).

$ npm install @midwayjs/bootstrap --save

Then write the code in the entry file. Note that the code here uses JavaScript.

const { Bootstrap } = require('@midwayjs/bootstrap');;

Although the code of the startup file is very simple, we still need this file, which is needed in subsequent scenarios such as link tracking.

Note that there is no http startup port here. If you need it, you can refer to the document for modification.

  • [Modify the koa port](extensions/koa# Modify Port)

At this time, you can directly use NODE_ENV = production node bootstrap.js to start the code, or you can use pm2 to perform the startup.

We generally recommend using tools to start the Node.js project. Here are some documents for advanced reading.

Startup parameters

In most cases, it is not necessary to configure parameters in the Bootstrap, but there are still some configurable startup parameter options that are passed in through configure methods.

const { Bootstrap } = require('@midwayjs/bootstrap');
imports: [/*...*/]
appDirstringOptional. The project root directory is process.cwd() by default.
baseDirstringOptional. The directory of the project code, which is src in R & D and dist in R & D.
importsComponent[]Optional, explicit component reference
moduleDetector'file' | IFileDetector | falseOptional. The module loading method used. Default value: file. You can use the dependency injection local file scanning method. You can explicitly specify a scanner or disable scanning.
loggerboolean | ILoggerOptional. The logger used in the bootstrap. The default value is consoleLogger
ignorestring[]Optional. The path ignored by the dependent injection container scan. The moduleDetector is invalid if false
globalConfigArray<Record<string, any>> | Record<string, any>Optionally, if the global incoming configuration is an object, it is directly merged into the current configuration in the form of an object. If you want to pass in the configuration of different environments, it is passed in in the form of an array with the same structure and importConfigs.

Example: Enter the global configuration (object)

const { Bootstrap } = require('@midwayjs/bootstrap');
globalConfig: {
customKey: 'abc'

Example, incoming sub-environment configuration

const { Bootstrap } = require('@midwayjs/bootstrap');
globalConfig: [{
default: {/*...*/}
unittest: {/*...*/}

Deploy with Docker

Write Dockerfile and build images

Step 1: Add a Dockerfile to the current directory

FROM node:18


ENV TZ="Asia/Shanghai"

COPY . .

# If each company has its own private source, it can replace the registry address
RUN npm install --registry=

RUN npm run build

# If the port is changed, this side can be updated

CMD ["npm", "run", "online"]

Step 2: Add .dockerignore file (similar to git ignore file), you can copy the content of .gitignore to .dockerignore

Step 3: When using pm2 deployment, change the command to pm2-runtime start. For more information about pm2 deployment, see pm2 container deployment instructions.

Step 4: build a docker image

$ docker build -t helloworld.

step 5: run docker image

$ docker run -itd -P helloworld

The operation effect is as follows: image.png

Then the uppercase -P allows us to access 32791 ports because we are assigned a port by default (this -P is randomly assigned, and we can also use the -p 7001:7001 to specify a specific port)


For other registry pushed to dockerhub or docker, you can search for the corresponding method.


We can see that the mirror image we typed in front has more than 1g, which can be optimized:

    1. We can use a simpler basic image of docker image: for example, node:18-alpine,
    1. The source code was finally typed in the mirror image. In fact, we don't need this one.

We can also combine the multistage functions of docker to do some optimization. Please note that this function can only be used after Docker 17.05.

FROM node:18 AS build


COPY . .

RUN npm install

RUN npm run build

FROM node:18-alpine


# Copy the source code and the error can be reported to the right line
COPY --from=build /app/src ./src
COPY --from=build /app/dist ./dist
COPY --from=build /app/bootstrap.js ./
COPY --from=build /app/package.json ./

RUN apk add --no-cache tzdata

ENV TZ="Asia/Shanghai"

RUN npm install --production

# If the port is changed, this side can be updated

CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

The result of the current example is only 207MB. Compared with the original 1.26G, it saves a lot of space.

Combined with Docker-Compose operation

On the basis of docker deployment, you can also deploy some services related to your own services in combination with docker-compose.

The following uses midway combined with redis as an example to quickly deploy the entire project using docker-compose.

Step 1

Add dockerfile according to Docker deployment

Step 2

The docker-compose.yml file is added as follows: (here we simulate our midway project using Redis)

version: "3"
build: .
image: redis

Step 3: Modify config

Modify the configuration file of redis as follows: (To configure redis, please refer to redis component)

// src/config/config.default.ts
export default {
// ...
redis: {
client: {
port: 6379, //The port of the redis container
host: "redis", // This is consistent with the redis service name in the docker-compose.yml file
password: "", //There is no password by default. Please change it to the password configured for the redis container.
db: 0,

Step 4: Build

Use command:

$ docker-compose build

Step 5: Run

$ docker-compose up -d



For more information about docker-compose, please refer to Official Documentation

Single file build deployment

In some scenarios, the project is built as a single file, the deployed file can be smaller, and it can be distributed and deployed more easily. In some scenarios, it is particularly efficient, such as:

  • In serverless scenarios, a single file can be deployed faster
  • For private scenarios, a single file can be encrypted and confused more easily

Midway supports building projects as a single file starting from v3.

Cases that are not supported are:

  • egg project (@midwayjs/web)
  • The path form used by importConfigs at the entrance imports the configured application, component
  • Packages that are not explicitly depended on, or that contain convention-based files


Single-file builds have some pre-dependencies that need to be installed.

## Used to generate entry
$ npm i @midwayjs/bundle-helper --save-dev

## Used to build a single file
## install to the global
$ npm i @vercel/ncc -g
## Or install to project (recommended)
$ npm i @vercel/ncc --save-dev

Code adjustments

There are some possible adjustments, listed below:

1. Configuration format adjustment

The configuration imported by the project must be adjusted to object mode.

Midway's official components have been adjusted to this mode. If you have your own components, please adjust to this mode to build a single file.


Both Midway v2/v3 support configuration loading in "object mode".

// src/configuration.ts
import { Configuration } from '@midwayjs/core';
import { join } from 'path';

import * as DefaultConfig from './config/config.default';
import * as LocalConfig from './config/config.local';

importConfigs: [
default: DefaultConfig,
local: LocalConfig
export class MainConfiguration {

2. The default export situation

Due to the default behavior of the ncc builder, please DO NOT use default exports in dependency injection related code.

for example:

export default class UserSerivce {

After compiling, UserSerivce cannot be injected.

Data source-dependent scan paths are also not supported.

export default {
typeorm: {
dataSource: {
default: {
entities: [
'/abc', // not supported

If there are too many entities, you can write a js file, scan out the entities, generate a file to the directory, and execute it every time you build.

Modify the entry file

Modify the entry bootstrap.js to the following code.

const { Bootstrap } = require('@midwayjs/bootstrap');

// Explicitly introduce user code as a component
Bootstrap. configure({
// Here is the compiled entry, local development does not use this file
imports: require('./dist/index'),
// Disable directory scanning for dependency injection
moduleDetector: false,


Compilation for single-file builds requires several steps:

    1. Build the project ts file into js
    1. Use an additional compiler to package all js files into one file

We can write the above process as the following two commands, and put them in the scripts field of package.json.

   "scripts": {
"bundle": "bundle && npm run build && ncc build bootstrap.js -o build",
"bundle_start": "NODE_ENV=production node ./build/index.js"

Contains three parts

  • bundle is to export all project codes as components and generate a src/index.ts file, this command is provided by @midwayjs/bundle-helper
  • npm run buid is the basic ts project build, build src/**/*.ts to dist/**/*.js
  • ncc build bootstrap.js -o build uses bootstrap.js as the entry to build a single file, and finally generates it into build/index.js

After writing, execute the command.

$ npm run bundle

Note that there may be errors during the construction process, such as ts definition errors, incorrect entry generation syntax, etc., which need to be repaired manually.

After compiling, start the project.

$ npm run bundle_start

If boot access is fine, then you can distribute your build in the build directory.

Binary deployment

Package Node.js into a single executable file, which can be directly copied and executed during deployment. This method includes the node runtime and business code, which is conducive to the protection of intellectual property rights.

Common tools for packaging Node.js into executable files include pkg, nexe, node-packer, enclose, etc. Below we will take the most common pkg package as an example.


Binary deployment has some pre-dependencies that need to be installed.

## Used to generate entry
$ npm i @midwayjs/bundle-helper --save-dev

## for building binaries
## install to the global
$ npm i pkg -g
## Or install to project (recommended)
$ npm i pkg --save-dev

Code adjustments

The adjustment is the same as [Single File Build Deployment](./deployment#Single File Build Deployment), please refer to the above document.

Modify the entry file

The adjustment is the same as [Single File Build Deployment](./deployment#Single File Build Deployment), please refer to the above document.


First you need to configure pkg, the main content is in the bin and pkg fields of package.json.

  • bin we specify as the entry file, ie bootstrap.js
  • The directory after pkg.scripts is built, using glob syntax to include all js files under dist
  • pkg.asserts If there are some static resource files, you can configure them here
  • The platform product built by pkg.targets is a combination of the following options (in the example I specified mac + node18):
    • nodeRange (node8), node10, node12, node14, node16 or latest
    • platform alpine, linux, linuxstatic, win, macos, (freebsd)
    • arch x64, arm64, (armv6, armv7)
  • pkg.outputPath is the address of the build product, in order to separate it from the ts output, we chose the build directory

package.json reference example:

"name": "my-midway-project",
"devDependencies": {
"@midwayjs/bundle-helper": "^1.2.0",
"pkg": "^5.8.1"
"scripts": {
"pkg": "pkg . -d > build/pkg.log",
"bundle": "bundle && npm run build"
"bin": "./bootstrap.js",
"pkg": {
"scripts": "dist/**/*.js",
"assets": [],
"targets": [
"outputPath": "build"

For more details, please refer to PKG Documentation.


In the above example, the -d parameter of the pkg command is to output debugging information to a specific file, which can be deleted by yourself.

Compilation for binary builds requires several steps:

    1. Generate the src/index.ts entry file, and build the project ts file into js
    1. Use pkg to generate platform-specific build products

We can execute orders.

$ npm run bundle
$ npm run pkg

If it is correct, we can see a my-midway-project file in the build directory (the name field of our package.json), double click it to execute.

Deployment failure

After deployment, the situation is more complicated because it is related to the environment. If you encounter problems after deployment to the server, see Troubleshoot server startup failure.