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Version: 3.0.0

Framework Error Code

The following are the errors built into the framework, which will increase over time.

Error codeError nameError description
MIDWAY_10000Occupying useUnknown error
MIDWAY_10001MidwayCommonErrorUnclassified errors
MIDWAY_10002MidwayParameterErrorParameter type error
MIDWAY_10003MidwayDefinitionNotFoundErrorDependency injection definition not found
MIDWAY_10004MidwayFeatureNoLongerSupportedErrorFeatures are no longer supported
MIDWAY_10005MidwayFeatureNotImplementedErrorFunction not implemented
MIDWAY_10006MidwayConfigMissingErrorConfiguration item missing
MIDWAY_10007MidwayResolverMissingErrorDependency injection attribute resovler not found
MIDWAY_10008MidwayDuplicateRouteErrorDuplicate route
MIDWAY_10009MidwayUseWrongMethodErrorThe wrong method was used
MIDWAY_10010MidwaySingletonInjectRequestErrorScope confusion
MIDWAY_10011MidwayMissingImportComponentErrorComponent not imported
MIDWAY_10012MidwayUtilHttpClientTimeoutErrorhttp client call timed out
MIDWAY_10013MidwayInconsistentVersionErrorIncorrect dependency version used
MIDWAY_10014MidwayInvalidConfigErrorInvalid configuration
MIDWAY_10015MidwayDuplicateClassNameErrorDuplicate class name
MIDWAY_10016MidwayDuplicateControllerOptionsErrorRepeated controller parameters


Problem Description

The most common framework error is thrown without classification, and the details of the error are generally written into the error message.


The error message shall prevail.


Problem Description

The parameter of the method is passed in error, the type may be wrong or the parameter format is wrong.


Reference method definitions or document incoming parameters.


Problem Description

Generally, when a class is started or dynamically retrieved from the container, if the class is not registered in the container, an error xxx is not valid in current context will be reported.


Possible situations, such as in business code or component use:

// ...

export class UserService {}

// ...
export class HomeController {
userService: UserService;

The above error occurs if the UserService does not write the @Provide or implicitly contains the @Provide decorator.

The general error report is similar to the following.

userService in class HomeController is not valid in current context

So, it means that the userService property in HomeController is not found in the container, you can follow this clue to troubleshoot.


Problem Description

Abandoned functions used.


This function is not used.


Problem Description

The method or function used has not been implemented for the time being.


This function is not used.


Problem Description

The required configuration items were not provided.


Check whether the environment corresponding to the configuration contains the configuration. If not, add the configuration to the configuration file.


Problem Description

The resolution type for container injection was not found. This error does not occur in the current version.




Problem Description

Check for duplicate routes.


Remove duplicate routing parts.


Problem Description

The wrong method was used.


When you include an asynchronous call in the synchronous get method, you will be prompted to use the getAsync method and modify it.


Problem Description

This error occurs when an unexplicitly declared request scope instance is injected into a single instance. The reason for the error is [Scope Degradation](./container# scope downgrade).

For example, the following code will throw this error:

// ...
export class UserService {}

// ...
export class LoginService {
userService: UserService;

This problem often occurs in configuration or middleware files.

This error is to avoid the risk of automatic domain degradation and caching instance data.


    1. If you injected the request scope instance into the singleton by mistake, please modify the request scope code to a singleton.
    1. If you want to inject the request scope to use in a singleton and can clearly know the consequences of scope degradation (cached), please explicitly declare the scope option on the class (indicating that degradation is allowed).
@Scope(ScopeEnum.Request, { allowDowngrade: true })
export class UserService {}


Problem Description

This error occurs when the component is not imports in the configuration file and the class in the component is used.


Explicitly introduces components in imports parts of src/configuration.


Problem Description

The built-in Http Client timeout throws this error.


Normal timeout error, check why timeout, do a good job of error handling.


Problem Description

This error is thrown when the installed component and the frame version do not match.

It usually appears after the new version of the framework is released, when the project opens the lock file, uses the old version of the framework, and installs a new component.


Delete the lock file and reinstall the dependency.


Problem Description

This error is thrown when the export default and export const export methods exist in the configuration file.


Do not mix the two export methods.


Problem Description

When duplicate class name checking is started (conflictCheck), the error will be thrown if the same class name is found in the dependency injection container during code scanning.

// src/configuration.ts
// ...
conflictCheck: true
export class MainConfiguration {
// ...


Modify the class name or turn off duplicate class name checking.


Problem Description

When different controllers are added, the same prefix is used, and different options, such as middleware, are added, the error will be thrown.


Merge the controller codes of the same prefix or remove all options.