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Version: 3.0.0

Using Midway Components

Midway provides a series of components, including Cache / Http / Redis, etc. In Midway Hooks, we can directly use Midway components to quickly implement functions.

Introducing components

Midway Hooks uses createConfiguration() in configuration.ts to configure the project, and its Api is consistent with the @Configuration() provided by @midwayjs/core.

Take the @midwayjs/cache component as an example:

import {
} from '@midwayjs/hooks';
import * as Koa from '@midwayjs/koa';
import { join } from 'path';
import * as cache from '@midwayjs/cache';

export default createConfiguration({
imports: [cache, Koa, Hooks()],
importConfigs: [
join(__dirname, 'config')

You can import components through imports and importConfigs configuration files.

Use components

In @midwayjs/cache, CacheManager classes are provided to operate the cache.

In Midway Hooks, you can get instances of classes at runtime through the useInject(class) provided by @midwayjs/hooks.

import {
} from '@midwayjs/hooks';
import { CacheManager } from '@midwayjs/cache';

export default Api(Get(), async () => {
const cache = await useInject (

await cache.set('name', 'Midway');
const result = await cache.get (

return 'Hello ${result}!';

The useInject(CacheManager) here is the same as the function of @Inject() cache: CacheManager.