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Version: 4.0.0

Local task

Unlike the bull component, the cron component provides local task capabilities, that is, every process on every machine will execute. If you need to execute tasks only once between different machines or different processes, please use bull component .

Related Information:

Available for Standard Items
Available for Serverless
Can be used for integration
Contains independent main frame
Contains standalone logs

Install components

$ npm i @midwayjs/cron@3 --save

Or add the following dependencies in package.json and reinstall.

"dependencies": {
"@midwayjs/cron": "^3.0.0",

Using components

Configure components into code.

import { Configuration } from '@midwayjs/core';
import * as cron from '@midwayjs/cron';

imports: [
export class MainConfiguration {

Write task processing class

Decorate a class with the @Job decorator to quickly define a job handler.

For example, create a sync.job.ts in the src/job directory for some data synchronization tasks, the code is as follows:

// src/job/sync.job.ts
import { Job, IJob } from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { FORMAT } from '@midwayjs/core';

start: true,
export class DataSyncCheckerJob implements IJob {
async onTick() {

The @Job decorator is used to decorate a task class, and the framework will automatically convert it into a task when it is initialized.

The task class needs to implement the IJob interface and implement the onTick method. Whenever the task is triggered, the onTick method will be called automatically.

Additionally, there is an optional onComplete method to be executed after onTick has completed.

start: true,
export class DataSyncCheckerJob implements IJob {
async onTick() {

async onComplete() {
// Record some data, etc., not very useful

Common parameters of the @Job decorator are as follows:

cronTimestringcrontab expression
startbooleanWhether to automatically start the task
runOnInitbooleanWhether to execute once at initialization

For more parameters, please refer to Cron.

Task Management

In addition to timing tasks, we also manually manage tasks through the API provided by the framework.

For example, the following code only defines a task, but does not start execution.

@Job('syncJob', {
cronTime: '*/2 * * * * *', // execute every 2s
export class DataSyncCheckerJob implements IJob {
async onTick() {

We define a job called syncJob and give it a default schedule.

Get task object

We can get the task object in two ways.

It is used to inject a task through @InjectJob, and the parameter is the class itself or the task name.

// src/configuration.ts
import { Configuration, Inject } from '@midwayjs/core';
import * as cron from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { InjectJob, CronJob } from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { DataSyncCheckerJob } from './job/sync.job';

imports: [
export class ContainerConfiguration {
syncJob: CronJob;

syncJob2: CronJob;

async onServerReady() {
// this.syncJob === this.syncJob2

Obtained through the Framework API.

// src/configuration.ts
import { Configuration, Inject } from '@midwayjs/core';
import * as cron from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { InjectJob, CronJob } from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { DataSyncCheckerJob } from './job/sync.job';

imports: [
export class ContainerConfiguration {
cronFramework: cron.Framework;

async onServerReady() {
const syncJob = this.cronFramework.getJob(DataSyncCheckerJob);
const syncJob2 = this.cronFramework.getJob('syncJob');

// syncJob === syncJob2


Note that the task object must be obtained after the onServerReady life cycle or startup.

Start and stop tasks

We can start this task after initialization or after some program execution is completed.

// src/configuration.ts
import { Configuration, Inject } from '@midwayjs/core';
import * as cron from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { InjectJob, CronJob } from '@midwayjs/cron';
import { DataSyncCheckerJob } from './job/sync.job';

imports: [
export class ContainerConfiguration {
syncJob: CronJob;

async onServerReady() {



Task execution is in request scope, which has a special Context object structure.

export interface Context extends IMidwayContext {
job: CronJob;

The CronJob type here comes from the node-cron package.

Component logger

By default, the ctx.logger will be recorded in midway-cron.log.

We can configure this logger object individually.

export default {
midwayLogger: {
clients: {
cronLogger: {
fileLogName: 'midway-cron.log',

Global configuration

Some global configurations can be made for the Job, which will be merged with the configuration of each Job.

export default {
cron: {
defaultCronJobOptions: {

Please refer to CronJobParameters for defaultCronJobOptions configuration items here