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Version: 4.0.0

Full stack kit

In Midway Hooks, we provide @midwayjs/hooks-kit to quickly develop full stack applications. At present, we provide the following templates that can be used directly:

Command line interface

In projects that use @midwayjs/hooks-kit, hooks executables can be used in npm scripts or run through npx hooks. The following is the default npm scripts in Midway full stack projects created through scaffolding:

"scripts": {
"dev": "hooks dev", // start the development server
"start": "hooks start", // start the production server, please make sure you have run' npm run build' before using it'
"build": "hooks build" // Build the product for production

When using a command line, you can pass in options through command line parameters, and specific options can be referenced through -- help.

For example, hooks build -- help


$hooks build [root]

--outDir <dir> [string] output directory (default: dist)
--clean [boolean] clean output directory before build (default: false)
-h, --help Display this message