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Version: 4.0.0

Static type safety + runtime safety

Using the Validate checker provided by Prisma and @midwayjs/hooks, a type security + runtime security link from front-end to back-end to database can be realized.

Take the POST /api/post interface in hooks-prisma-starter as an example. The code is as follows:

import {
} from '@midwayjs/hooks';
import { prisma } from './prisma';
import { z } from 'zod';

const PostSchema = z.object({
title: z.string().min(1)
content: z.string().min(1)
authorEmail: z.string().email()

export const createPost = Api(
async (
post: z.infer<typeof PostSchema>
) => {
const result =
data: {
title: post.title
content: post.content
author: {
connect: {
email: post.authorEmail
return result;

Front-end call:

import { createPost } from '../api/post';

await createPost({
title: 'Hello Midway',
content: 'Hello Prisma',
authorEmail: '',

At this time, the front end obtains the type prompt based on the schema of Zod, and the back end uses the Validate checker to check the type, and finally calls the method to create the user.

In the whole process.

  • Front end: based on type, static check input parameters, and get type prompt
  • Backend: Check the front-end incoming parameters
  • Database: Use Correct Data

In this way, we can achieve static type security and runtime security at low cost.