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Version: 3.0.0

HTTP proxy

The HTTP request proxy component is applicable to multiple frameworks such as @midwayjs/faas, @midwayjs/web, @midwayjs/koa, and @midwayjs/express. It supports multiple request methods such as GET and POST.

Related information:

Web support

💬 Some function computing platforms do not support streaming request responses. Please refer to the corresponding platform capabilities.

Installation dependency

$ npm i @midwayjs/http-proxy@3 --save

Or reinstall the following dependencies in package.json.

"dependencies": {
"@midwayjs/http-proxy": "^3.0.0"
// ...
"devDependencies": {
// ...

Enable components

Introduce components in src/configuration.ts

// ...
import * as proxy from '@midwayjs/http-proxy';

imports: [
// ...other components
export class MainConfiguration {}


The proxy configuration is defined as follows:

// proxy configuration type
export interface HttpProxyConfig {
// Match the URL regular expression to be represented
match: RegExp;
// Replace the host of the matching link and proxy the request to this address.
host?: string;
// Capture group processing proxy addresses through regular expressions
target?: string;
// The timeout time of the forwarding request. The default time is 0. No timeout time is set.
proxyTimeout?: number;
// Ignore the fields in the header forwarded by the proxy request
ignoreHeaders ?: {
[key: string]: boolean;

Agents support a single agent and multiple agents.

Single proxy configuration

// src/config/config.default.ts

export default {
httpProxy: {
match: /\/tfs \//,
host: '',

Multiple agent configurations

// src/config/config.default.ts

// Proxy configuration type
export default {
httpProxy: {
default: {
// Some multiplexed values for each policy will be merged with the following policies.
strategy: {
gw: {
match: /\/tfs \//,
host: '',
g: {
match: /\/bdimg\/(.*)$ /,
target: '$1',
httpBin: {
match: /\/httpbin\/(.*)$ /,
target: '$1',

Example: Configuring Agents Using host

export default {
httpProxy: {
match: /\/tfs \//,
host: '',

If the request is https://, the regular expression configured in the match field is successfully matched, and the https:// part of the host in the original request path is replaced with the configured https://, thus initiating a proxy request to https:// and return the response to the user requesting your site.

Example: Configuring Agents Using target

export default {
httpProxy: {
match: /\/httpbin\/(.*)$ /,
target: '$1',

When requesting that your site path is: https:// When name is set to midway, the regular expression configured in the match field is matched, and the regular capture group has the result ['get?name = midway'], replace the $1 part of the original request path with the get? of the first data (index: 0) in the capture group? name = midway to initiate a proxy request to https:// Name = midway and return the response to the user requesting your site.