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Version: 3.0.0

Alibaba Cloud Object Storage (OSS)

Object Storage Service (OSS) is a massive, secure, low-cost, and highly reliable cloud storage service provided by Alibaba Cloud. Its data design durability is not less than 99.999999999% and service design availability is not less than 99.99%. With platform-independent RESTful API interfaces, you can store and access any type of data in any application, at any time, and at any place.

The @midwayjs/oss component is the sdk used to interface with OSS services under the midway system.

Related information:

Can be used for standard projects
Can be used for Serverless
Can be used for integration
Contains independent main framework
Contains independent logs


To use OSS components, you need to apply for an OSS bucket in advance. Bucket is the concept of OSS repository in which all your files are stored.

Installation dependency

@midwayjs/oss is the main function package of oss.

$ npm i @midwayjs/oss@3 --save

Or reinstall the following dependencies in package.json.

"dependencies": {
"@midwayjs/oss": "^3.0.0",
// ...

Introducing components

First, introduce components and import them in configuration.ts:

import { Configuration } from '@midwayjs/core';
import * as oss from '@midwayjs/oss';
import { join } from 'path'

imports: [
// ...
oss // import oss components
importConfigs: [
join(__dirname, 'config')
export class MainConfiguration {

Configure OSS

OSS components need to be configured before they can be used. You need to enter OSS bucket, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret and other necessary information.

Supports common oss clients and oss cluster clients based on the ali-oss package.

For example:

Common OSS bucket configuration

// src/config/config.default
export default {
// ...
oss: {
// normal oss bucket
client: {
accessKeyId: 'your access key',
accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',
bucket: 'your bucket name',
endpoint: '',
timeout: '60s',

OSS bucket configuration in cluster (cluster) mode, you need to configure multiple

// src/config/config.default
export default {
// ...
oss: {
// need to config all bucket information under cluster
client: {
clusters: [{
endpoint: 'host1',
accessKeyId: 'id1',
accessKeySecret: 'secret1',
}, {
endpoint: 'host2',
accessKeyId: 'id2',
accessKeySecret: 'secret2',
schedule: 'masterSlave', //default is 'roundRobin'
timeout: '60s',


// src/config/config.default
export default {
// ...
oss: {
// if config.sts == true, oss will create STS client
client: {
sts: true
accessKeyId: 'your access key',
accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',

Use components

You can directly get the OSSService and then call the interface, for example, to save the file.

import { OSSService } from '@midwayjs/oss';
import { join } from 'path';

export class UserService {

ossService: OSSService;

async saveFile() {

const localFile = join(__dirname, 'test.log');
const result = await this.ossService.put('/test/test.log', localFile);

// => result.url

If STS mode is configured, the client can use OSSSTSService.

import { OSSSTSService } from '@midwayjs/oss';
import { join } from 'path';

export class UserService {

stsService: OSSSTSService;

async saveFile() {

const roleArn = '******'; // This is arn of ariyun role
const result = await this.stsService.assumeRole(roleArn);

// result.credentials.AccessKeyId
// result.credentials.AccessKeySecret;
// result.credentials.SecurityToken;

For more information about OSS client APIs, see OSS documentation.

Use multiple OSS Buckets

Some applications need to access multiple oss buckets, so you need to configure oss.clients.

// src/config/config.default
export default {
// ...
oss: {
clients: {
bucket1: {
bucket: 'bucket1',
// ...
bucket2: {
bucket: 'bucket2',
// ...
// client, clients, configuration shared by createInstance methods
default: {
endpoint: '',
accessKeyId: '',
accessKeySecret: '',
// other custom config
bucket3: {
bucket: 'bucket3',
// ...

You can use OSSServiceFactory to get different instances.

import { OSSServiceFactory } from '@midwayjs/oss';
import { join } from 'path';

export class UserService {

ossServiceFactory: OSSServiceFactory;


async saveFile() {

// The default type is OSSService
const bucket1 = this.ossServiceFactory.get('bucket1');
const bucket2 = this.ossServiceFactory.get('bucket2');

// If it is STS, you need to set a generic contact.
// const bucket1 = this.ossServiceFactory.get<OSSSTSService>('bucket1');

// config.bucket3 and config.oss.default will be merged
const bucket3 = await this.ossServiceFactory.createInstance(this.bucket3Config, 'bucket3');
// After passing the name, you can also get it from the factory.
bucket3 = this.ossServiceFactory.get('bucket3');
